Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Friends, there is a huge amount of factual data in the Mueller investigation that are being pursued by the Democrats in the Impeachment of Trump. There are multiple doors opening like the article today that one of Trump's appointees tried to interfere with the IRS audit on Trump and Pence.
And the article that Trump might have lied to Mueller.
House investigating whether Trump lied to Mueller
CNN Digital Expansion 2018 Katelyn PolantzJeremy Herb
By Katelyn Polantz and Jeremy Herb, CNN
Updated 1:02 PM ET, Mon November 18, 2019
There is also information in the Roger Stone trial that is opening more doors as well as information in the Paul Monafort trial. Both Stone and Monafort were convicted.
Trumps tax returns seem to be where all the bodies are buried with regards to Trump. Those returns will open up all kinds of trials for beyond the Impeachment and bleeding over into Trump's Mafia connections over his entire career.
Trump is freaking out and attacking and trying to obstruct all kinds of witnesses being called by the Impeachment hearing against him. It sure looks like this mess is having a cascading effect against Trump. It is getting harder to keep track of all the players and events and violations of the law.
Pelosi said the other day that what Trump did was far worse than what Nixon did which makes me think the Democrats have a whole lot more to bring out. And we all have to admit that Pelosi and Shift do not fly by the seat of their pants. They have a very well prepared case. And Trump and company is a Chinese fire drill. Trump thinks he is a smart guy and in the one trick pony of real estate he knows a lot. But he is up against the nation and a whole lot of players from Democrats to long term government employees who have specific facts about Trump and unlike Trump they understand how all the pieces fit together in their specific areas.
The fact that Trump had an unscheduled visit to the doctor seems to indicate that the stress is getting to him. I think what is getting to him is what I said three years ago, if he took the job of President he would lose everything; the presidency and his Empire. As far as the doctor goes just another liar like the one just before the election.
And one other interesting thing is that Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan has sent out a call for help to Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin to come over to the House and talk.
House Republicans ask GOP senator for info on Ukraine
Jeremy Herb
By Jeremy Herb, CNN
Updated 9:55 AM ET, Mon November 18, 2019
I would remind everyone that Nunes has no law degree and Jordan has one but never took the Bar which is interesting and decided to coach at Ohio State rather than practice law. And while he was there enabled the team doctor to molest untold numbers of young men. I have said in my campaign for President that no one should be allowed to run for President without a law degree. You are seeing with Trump and his lackeys what I am talking about.
Remember, the Republicans have no fact witnesses to rebut any of the Democratic witnesses so far. That means that what the Democrat witnesses are saying is taken as true. The Republicans are not prepared to deal with the long freight train that is coming at Trump.
The Republicans seem to actually think the Democrats are stupid and not capable of putting together an airtight case. Now they are seeing their folly and that they are all being caught with their pants down.
Things are moving very very fast and picking up speed it seems. Trump is going to resign. And like with Nixon it happened almost out of the blue.
Truthfully at this point Trump does not know whether to pull down his pants or go blind. He does not have the brain pan or the leadership skills to manage a campaign to save his presidency.
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Two Senate offices recently met with a whistleblower at the Internal Revenue Service.

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