Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Friends, there is no level low enough that the "The gob of spit, Prince of Lies, Trumpee Zero" will not go to degrade the office of President of the United States. He is a natural-born TRAITOR. I have said since the Republican nomination 2016 that Trump is a "lying scum bag, would be Hitler". I have taken a lot of flack and grief over my unwavering contempt for Trump. Now as Trump heads for the November elections, in 5 1/2 months, he will go anywhere to attack Obama in an attempt to just continue what he started with the Obama birther lie, I can assure you that what is coming from Trump is going to be mind-numbing and disgusting to all true Americans. I have said from the beginning that Trump has no respect for America and contempt for all Americans as well as the world human society. And I was SPOT ON.
No one has been as contemptuous of Trump as outspoken as I have been. Now I can tell you I was right on the mark.
Now here is the problem. Biden is never going to weather what is coming from Trump. After his last video with the honking geese, that was the end for me. In these times of the Coronavirus and downward spiral of the economy, Americans are not going to vote for Biden and his deteriorating mental acuity or his lack of energy. They will vote for Satan as a strong personality rather than a weak sister Joe Biden. I don't think the fight was ever in Joe Biden at any time in his career.
In addition, there is no female, red, brown, yellow, black or white, in the United States at this moment that is qualified to be vice-president and then possibly, probably inherit the Presidency from Biden. We cannot put another neophyte in the Presidency. (That said Stacy Abrams would be my choice but I am running without a VP) The next president has to have an unparallelled resume and that includes a granite faith in God and a believer in the United States of America as the designated leader of the world. Trump has contempt for every nation in the world and has done everything possible to destroy every avenue of a more just and sane world human society. None of the "girl" VP candidates have spoken the truth of the evil that is Donald Trump. No American has dared say what I have said. There is no way Trump is going to make a fool out of me as he did with Hillary when he walked around on stage while she was speaking. I can assure you that he would have either returned to his designated place or I would have put him there by personal force. I am prepared to slap the lies out of his mouth if I am within reach anywhere anytime. I will not be disrespected by such a worthless and evil POS.
Strong talk from a man named WorldPeace. I am not a pacifist. Duh. I have read about Hitler all my life. I wanted to know how such an evil man could take over Germany and proceed to conquer the world. I have often wondered why no one confronted him and stopped him in his tracks. Every German failed every other German. HItler was elected by the same brand of fascist that put Trump into office. One thing that did not happen with Hilter was stupid Christians led by false Evangelical and Fundamentalist Christians to vote for someone like Trump who has and continues to break 9 of the 10 commandments and make the way of the Lord crooked. And stinking rich False Preachers who are no more than the priests of Baal who the Prophet Elijah had to put in their place.
America has drifted so far from God that America can no longer be recognized. The Coronavirus is a war. A life and death war. And Trump has no skills much less desire to do anything more than politicizing it for his own self-aggrandizement. America must get back on track in November or God is going to walk away and the world human society will continue it decline. When I was a child in the 1950's I was surrounded by 30 year old men who had fought in WWII and they were true Americans and the churches were filled. But they did not pass that faith on to their children the Baby Boomers who stood up against the war in Vietnam and Civil Rights and who now sit on their dead asses while Trump and Fox news feeds them lies as they see just how fat and useless they can become before dying. How totally disgusting; being led by a Fat Burger Trump.
Where is the America that fought against the apartheid state of South Africa and now allows the postage stamp nation of Zionist to create atrocities against the Palestinians that just a little bit less evil than what the Nazis did to the Jews. The only thing missing is the ovens. The Jews learned nothing from the Holocaust but how to copy it and apply it to the Palestinians. The Palestinians are Semitic and there is no more Anti-Semitic people than Zionists. Every couple of years the Zionists gather at the border of Gaza and kill unarmed Palestinians who approach their wall. It is nothing less than a Cain and Abel confrontation with the Zionists playing the role of Cain telling God they are NOT their brother's keeper. Totally contrary to the teachings of Jesus.
Most of those reading this post don't even know what I am talking about. The Baby Boomers are off the field, out of the game, sitting home dying in apathy. The God Event Coronavirus, which is killing 1/3 Baby Boomers is the same as Moses wandering around in the desert for 40 years to let the oldest two generations die off to keep them out of the land of Canaan with their Egyptian mindsets.
Biden is not the solution.
Pelosi needs to rally the troops and take charge of the Obama portraits and march them to their places of honor and hang them up. When Trump pisses on American protocol then Pelosi and Schumer have been given free rein and obligation to do the right thing and hang the portraits. Will that "Creep" Mcconnell and the corrupt Republicans stop her? I want to know. I want Pelosi to keep pushing until we see if the Republicans will climb in bed with Trump to destroy the Light of the World, America the Beautiful, one nation under God with Liberty and Justice for all. You do not hear anyone talking like I am now. That is because I am the only Red, White and Blue American left standing.
I will say this. For the last year, I have asked myself what I would do with the portrait of Trump when I am president. The answer, I would hang if facing the wall with an Executive order that it would not be touched as long as I was in office. After this Obama matter, I think I would hang it upside down facing out.
I am absolutely disgusted with Obama. He is an honorable man as Michelle is an honorable woman. It is time for him to speak up every day and take the Bully Pulpit away from Donald Trump. Confront him on every lie daily. Obama is a really smart guy. He can see Trump flushing the toilet with America every day. I know he is passive but this is not the time for passive. This is the time for a revolt against the "Gob of Spit, Prince of Lies, Trumpee Zero."
Tell me friends do you think I have the fire it takes to win in November? Look at my resume on my site for President at the bottom of this post. Is Biden the man. Are any of those "girls" on Biden's VP list on my level? NO.
And let me tell you this, Biden is stupid to be focusing on which female he is going to select to go down in apathy. Biden does not have the nomination and the push back is increasing daily and he is trying to pic a girlfriend running mate. Give me a break. Stupid is as stupid does. He needs to be confronting Trump every day. On YouTube. Twitter is a low IQ format. I have a seldom used account.
Let me say this, Biden does not need a Black woman on the ticket if Obama and Michelle rise to the occasion.
I am an independent. I have already been screwed by the corrupt Democrats in Texas in the 2002 race for governor. I will never be a Democrat again. Democrats in Texas were corrupt and stupid in 2002 and the state turned Republican forever in 2002, just like I told them it would. I have all the evidence and the news articles to prove what I am saying.
The Democratic party made a mistake settling with Biden. He cannot beat Trump with 20 Black women on his tickets even though from what I can tell those Black female candidates for VP have more fire than Biden but not enough fire to be president.
We have to have a true, qualified, Independent elected as President in 2020 as a mediator between the Republicans and Democrats to put America back on course.
And guess what folks. The biggest challenge I had was teaching people how to put my name down as a write-in candidate. Thank you Coronavirus, it looks like 2020 is going to be a mail-in election. God is good. I have a great chance now to win in 2020.
I am going to run hard. As you can see I have been running for 4 years and now I have pumped up the volume dramatically. If I cause Biden to lose the election, he deserves to lose. More than anything else I see Obama as the lynchpin. That is why Trump won't hang the portrait. He knows what Obama can do. Obama cannot push a reluctant, befuddled, dead horse walking Biden to a victory. But he has the right stuff to support WorldPeace in 2020.
Between Obama and myself, we can make Trumpee Zero crazier than an outhouse rat. And return America to its God designated place in the world. America is the New Jerusalem and Americans are the Chosen people of God, not the Jews. That was taken away from them. The Christian Jews are the main branch of Judaism now and the Archaic Jews are the apartheid nation of Jews for Jews. 2 billion Christians, 15 million Jews. Who is God favoring? Wake up.
I am probably not going to take any contributions from anyone. I am going to win strictly using the internet or not. I will be talking to Americans as much as I can but have no fear my Blog and YouTube acccount will stay in place. I dont need to drive around America giving the same speech over and over. Not in 2020. If you are with me do something. Something legal and non violent. Take charge. Bernie Bros welcome for sure. I am not Bernie but I am definitely not Biden. You friends that want to get rid of Trump and put America back on track, pray for guidance and go to work.
As they used to say when I was a kid, "Put that in your pipe and smoke it."
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Dr John WorldPeace JD for President USA 2020
The traditional White House portrait unveiling may be skipped for the first time in decades amid bad blood between Trump and Obama.
Friends, do you get it. This "gob of spit" Trump is lying. He is not taking this drug. And if he is it is probably no more that a tiny piece he chipped off a pill. He does not care how many people die because of his lying. This guy is a Jonah. He must be cast overboard (removed from office) and every other Republican in America who voted for him or supports him.
My contempt for this traitor has no bounds. Most people who are thinking strait far back into history, when a Coronavirus event took place, a God related event, they put the blame on the king, and rightly so. Trump and those who support him with their greed, hatred and contempt for the Garden of Eden brought on this Coranavirus. It is a God wake up call. It is a wake up call as to what Global warming is bringing. Famine is coming at the end of Summer. You had better pray that the American Wheat belt is not wiped out this year due to Global warming or another God event.
Jesus called Satan "the father of lies" because there is no truth in him. Trump is the Prince of Lies. Of the 10 commandments, Jesus tagged and defined Satan as the father of lies.
In addition, you have the beast, 666 Jared Kushner (business flagship 666 5th Ave, New York), if you believe in the Book of Revelation 13: 18 as son-in-law to this "gob of spit, prince of lies." Let those who have eyes see, and those who have ears hear.
In the old days, God sent a prophet to annoint a king. The king's bad acts were owned by God. Trump was elected by American democracy. Every American owns every evil act of Trump Zero. Get it. It started with trying to destroy Obama care. It continued with support of the No abortion Christians who want unwanted children born but refuse to allocate "one red cent" to support those children. Americans own the pain and suffering of those children.
Those who say God appointed Trump to be king are insane and are listening to False Preachers.. A house divided CANNOT stand. God did not appoint Trump. Trump is the anti-Jesus in every way. Wake up.
Jesus set the bar very low for vicarious ownership of evil acts of others. Think about it.
If I am a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.
Dr John WorldPeace JD
Advocate for Jesus Christ
The FDA has warned against the widespread use of hydroxychloroquine, which has been linked to serious and even fatal heart risks in some patients.

Monday, May 18, 2020


As if this earth dreamscape was real. As if everyone is not going to die. I am 72. Been through more than you can imagine and have still accomplished most of my goals in this life. https://johnworldpeace.com but still have miles to go before I sleep. When I was 8 someone told me I was going to die one day. I thought WTF. If that is true, why did I come to this place. So I starting researching to find the truth about death. It is all recorded on my flagship website above. You have to reconcile this earth dreamscape and the spiritual dreamscapes. heaven and high heaven. The problem with the whole world human society is that they confuse this finite mortal earth dreamscape with the true infinite immortal dreamscape. All things manifest out of the Infinite Potential. All things disintegrate back into the Infinite Potential. No exceptions. The nature of this reality is duality, the higher levells have no duality. The reality of this earth dreamscape is that everything changes. There is no place God is not. I am finishing 5 books in the next few months that will have a perspective on life and death that is a compilation of many thoughts of many highly evolved humans over the last 5000 years. I have no church, no organization, nothing to join, nothing to contribute to. I am just a fool on the hill, actually the high desert of Albuquerque New Mexico, an escapee from the hell that exists in the great state of confusion, Texas. I am not a corporate Christian but I am an absolute believer in Jesus whose core message was we script our own reality. "Ask and receive, seek and find, knock and enter. If you have the faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains. Nothing will be impossible for you. If you believe in me you can do the things I do and more can you do." This is more profound than love one another. It is true because this earth dreamscape is pliable. The Fundamental and Evangelistic Christians have promoted the book of Revelation which is a set in stone doom and gloom future and a lie. Know this, when you have no fear of dying, you can do anything. When you understand the truth about death you can do anything. At this moment you are a product of every decision you have made since birth. You are exactly where you have taken yourself. The most significant poem ever written. Row Row Row your boat, Gently down the Stream. Merrily Merrily Merrily, Life is but a dream. Take control of your dream. Relax and be happy. Second most significant poem Desiderata. Best regards. Jwp

Poem: DrJwpJD 200518 0208

You deal the queen
                my card the king
                                the joker winning
                                                out in time

The joker becomes
                what he needs to be

                life is a moment
                                to moment
                                                shuffled deck

                The churning masses
                                give the world humanity
                                                moment to moment

                                The joker skates
                                                darts and dodges
                                                                and shape shifts
                                                                                best he can
                In the end
                                he is the wisest of men

                                He is a traveler of
                                                heavens and earths
                                                                he never stops flowing
                                                                                he does not notice

Thursday, May 14, 2020

After Wisconsin court ruling, crowds liberated and thirsty descend on bars. ‘We’re the Wild West,’ Gov. Tony Evers says.
Patrons pack the Iron Hog Saloon in Port Washington, Wis., after the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down the state’s stay-at-home order.
By Meagan Flynn
May 14, 2020 at 5:24 a.m. MDT
Dr John WorldPeace JD for President USA 2020: The independent Maverick candidate.
Well friends, in about 2 weeks we are going to start seeing the results of a wideopen, no rules, back to the pre-Coronavirus days of November 2019, in Wisconsin. Funny WisconSIN. Actually, just alcohol and hatred foisted on innocent people by the Coronavirus.
There will be a lot of partying over the next two weeks. I see these people first as lonely alcoholics. I see these people second as apathetic “screw everyone” sociopaths. And third as bees on a reverse trajectory as they carry the Coronavirus to every corner of the state and beyond.
All the indicators are that there is going to be a huge spike in Coronavirus cases in Wisconsin. The majority of innocent, afraid and concerned citizens of Wisconsin are now potential victims of the drunks.
Let me say I drink alcohol so seldom that I can almost claim that I don’t drink. I definitely do not do illegal drugs or pot and never have. But at the same time, I am a practical person and there is no way society can stop the use of drugs, pot, or alcohol so I am an advocate of legalizing drugs which should cut down on the drug related crimes. Legalizing drugs and pot is the lesser of two evils. Like with alcohol, we will just deal with the increase in death due to drivers on the streets without their full capacity to drive a potentially deadly vehicle and other collateral damage.
For me, I take the teaching of Jesus seriously; the teaching where we are responsible for the harm we do others. These people who are now binging alcohol and spreading the Coronavirus to innocent citizens of Wisconsin will have a debt to pay at death. All religions agree on this. Doing to others what you do not want done to yourself has a price.
I don’t believe anyone will go to hell for eternity for spreading the Coronavirus. But for me, 5 minutes in a black void, suspended, no sight, smell, sound, taste, touch, lost and forgotten in an infinite void is not worth anything this world has to offer.
Yes, those 4 judges who over rode the Governor will own every sickness and every death related to the Cornonavirus and all the collateral pain and suffering that sickness and death causes.
Also, sometimes good people have to take matters into their own hands. As the deaths rise due to this bing drinking, the good and caring and scared citizens of Wisconsin are going to start burning down bars. When there is no law, there is anarchy and chaos. Fools and blind men know this.
The bottom line, Trump is going to get to test a full open no restriction ignoring of the Coronavirus. If the worst case scenario takes place, then there will be a push back in November against the Cheerleader in chief for eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.
The Coronavirus has brought a global pandemic, it has severely harmed the global economy, and all the churches in America have been shut down and not one single Protestant Preacher nor that Old Man in the Vatican, the Pope, have prayed to God for relief, nor had anything to say to 2 billion Christians in the world. Think about that. The Coronavirus shadow of death kills one Baby Boomer to every three not Baby Boomers who catch the Coronavirus. And now out of Italy and New York children under 7 are dying. For those of you who think this is not a God event, you are blind. Notre Dame in Paris burned down 4 days before Easter last year. This year the Pope celebrated Easter alone. Duh
Democracy elected Trump as President. God did not follow up Jesus with a Trump. Jesus called Satan the father of lies because there is no truth in him. That would make Trump the prince of lies. God does not make war on himself. God did not dictate the Coronavirus, the world human society wrapped up in hatred, greed, burning down the Garden of Eden, brought this on. The world human society sewed the wind and now has come the whirlwind. The day of reckoning is at hand and Jesus is not going to come out of the sky to clean up the mess of humans making war on each other and turning the Garden of Eden into a desert.
Let those with eyes see and those with ears hear.
Dr John WorldPeace JD for President USA 2020
Trump says schools should 'absolutely open' this fall, says Fauci did not give 'acceptable answer'
Maureen Groppe
May 13, 2020
Dr John WorldPeace JD for President USA 2020
Friends, I am back after dealing with business and personal issues for the last few months. All my poems have been published now on Amazon.com
(https://drjohnworldpeacejdpoetry.com/) I am publishing a book of poems each month now that I have published all 50 years of my poems.
I have 5 books to publish over the next 6 weeks. They are all in various stages of completion. Then I will be working full time on my campaign for President which is centered around ending Trump’s insane based presidency. Joe Biden is a dud. He is not a worthy choice for president. He may follow Hillary by winning the popular vote and losing the election in the electoral college; the biggest corruptor of American democracy. We need a popular vote for President like every other election in America.
The only guaranteed way to end the Trump presidency is to carve the Evangelical and Fundamentalist Christian vote out of his base. He cannot win without the radical Christians. That is what I am focusing on with my book, The Third Millennium Second Reformation of Christianity. It will be for sale on Amazon.com next week. The book calls out Christians who support Trump who has broken 9 of the 10 commandments. Jesus called Satan the Father of Lies because there is no truth in him. Well there is no truth in the Prince of Lies Donald Trump. The Book of Revelation is False for many reasons.
The Book of Revelation says you will know the beast by his number 666, and Jared Kushner, Ivanka husband’s, Flagship property in New York is 666 5th Avenue, New York. But no preacher will discuss this because of fear of Trump. They have been pushing this fact for over 50 years and now they run from bringing it up.
Also, all the Mega Rich preachers taking millions of dollars in from the poor and gullible talking about Jesus who had nothing. Funniest thing, I have read not a single article about these Rich creeps taking some of the millions they have in the bank in their name and giving it back to their members who gave it to them. The Christians say God put Trump in power. Jesus says a house divided cannot stand. God did not put Trump in power. Only the most ignorant would propose such nonsense. Further, in the old days God would have a prophet announce the king. When the king screwed up God owned it. Well now we have democracy and Americans put Trump in office. Now all the evil Trump has done is owned by Americans, who according to Jesus will have to write the check for Trump’s evil; ie spending some time in hell. Stay tuned.
Regarding this article the end of it says,” Roughly 11% of students surveyed by the Strada Education Network said they had canceled their education plans since the coronavirus outbreak. Those who do plan to further their education are considering certificate programs or courses related to in-demand jobs instead of traditional degrees, according to the education nonprofit's ongoing poll of more than 5,000 people.”
Trump and all the stupid Republicans think they can tell these college students to go back to class and they will do it. These kids are not going back without total testing which Trump cannot make happen. Students can drop out of school for a semester or a year. They are not going to risk their life on graduating as planned.
This is the same with the economy. You can tell people they can go back to work, but they are not going to risk their lives to do it. And if only 25% of a company’s work force returns, they will not be able to open. And even if they do, people have to hold onto their money right now and the clients and customers of these businesses are not going to spend as they did back in November 2019. Opening up the economy is going to further crash it and unnecessarily kill more Americans. We are close to twice the deaths from the Coronavirus that we had in the whole Vietnam war. Think about that.
Trump is just an ignorant, socio-pathic “gob of spit.”
More than that, he is a Jonah. This Coronavirus is a God event. The world human society is full of poison, hatred for others, greed driven, and determined to burn down the earth with fossil fuels; the earth being the Garden of Eden. When a person’s life gets out of control much of the sickness of that individual is due to the poison their mindset has forced on their body. When this happens, they get sick as their body tries to throw off that poison. Same with the earth. 7.5 billion people full of greed, hatred and contempt for the earth; God, the earth itself, or off world aliens are going to step in and stop it.
I attribute the Coranavirus as a wake-up call from God. Think about it. Everything was going great November 2019, then this weird virus appears out of nowhere that is not like any other virus. We still do not understand it. We do know 33% of the dead are Baby Boomers. Think about who is being punished and why. And now we are seeing children dying in New York with collateral issues. No, friends school will not start in the Fall.
Trump is a Jonah. And very soon Americans are going to make this connection. And like with Jonah, Americans are going to throw him overboard. Before the election. While people die, Trump tweets. Kind of like Nero when Rome was burning down.
This is the scenario I am projecting right now. I have attacked Trump since he got the Republican nomination back in 2016. I see the businesses opening and the virus spiking. In addition, the children are going to start dying, and those who had the virus are going to have a second case. At that point Trump is identified as the Jonah.
Then, Trump is forced to resign as hundreds of thousands of people gather at the White House demanding it. And they will not accept the nothing Vice President Pence as president. That makes Pelosi president. I doubt anyone has even thought about this scenario. I have not seen it anywhere in the media. The Republicans are still acting like business as usual. Fools everyone.
If this is a God event, and I firmly believe that it is, and the Coronavirus does not get everyone’s attention, then you can expect some weather event to wipe out the crops in America this year. Then Americans, incredibly start to experience hunger like in the 1929 Great Depression. But this time, there is not going to be a WWII to bring the depression to an end.
Let those who have ears hear.
Vote WorldPeace for President. Look at my website. No one has my credentials for the job. No one after 4 months has a viable plan to reverse course. I do.
Dr John WorldPeace JD