Friday, November 22, 2019

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Friends none of the present Democratic candidates can beat Trump.

1) Corey Booker – all he talks about is his Black experience in New Jersey. No military background

2) Tulsi Gabbard – Not enough depth. Over emphasize military experience. Talking to Assad is a waste.

3) Amy Klobuchar – Shakey, sounds strong but limited experience; not confident.

4) Pete Buttigieg – He is super refined in appearance and communications. He reminds me of a puppet that was on TV in the 1950s: Howdy Doody. He is getting a lot of traction with white voters, little with Blacks without which no one can win. People are not ready for a Gay President.

5) Elizabeth Warren – Needs to shut up about billionaires. Without their support she can’t win. With their overt opposition she is finished. Also, taxing the billionaires for all her programs as if they have unlimited wealth is stupid. She is a little Trump clone who used to be a Republican and lied about her Native American blood and why she quit teaching. She talks about her brothers in the military but was not in the military. Her adult children have not been in the military.
So I don’t trust her to support veterans like me.

6) Joe Biden – Just cant make an appearance without a gaff. Looks good, right age to challenge Trump, incredible experience, no passion. Thanks for the memories and Goodbye Joe.

7) Bernie Sanders – strong candidate. Decades of service to America. Too too liberal; full of energy but too old.

8) Kamala Harris – a prosecutor who put plenty of innocent people in jail as do all prosecutors. Just not a deep enough resume.

9) Andrew Yang – Smart computer guy. Down to earth. Has not been in politics on any level. We don’t need another amateur president.

10) Tom Steyer – A good activist. Successful. Another Amateur.

NONE OF THESE CANDIDATES CAN BEAT TRUMP. Trump is the most crooked and worst president America has every had but he is going to do ANYTHING AS IN ANYTHING TO WIN. Trump calling on China, Russia and the Ukraine to help him win his run for President is a traitorous act. None of the above have the do or die determination that Trump has. And none of these candidates will to do whatever it takes to beat Trump.

I am the most qualified candidate for President. I am an Independent candidate. See my qualifications at

Dr John WorldPeace JD 191122
The Independent Write-in Maverick Candidate for President 2020


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