Tuesday, January 15, 2019



Friends this is from the article:
"Inside, at the annual convention of the American Farm Bureau Federation, Trump talked up his current trade battles, even though they’re hurting farmers.
Trump’s withdrawal from an Asia-Pacific trade agreement means that U.S. farmers are struggling against advantages granted by the new Trans-Pacific Partnership to Canadian and Australian competitors in such markets as Japan. Other countries have also imposed retaliatory tariffs on many American farm products. China, traditionally a major buyer of U.S. soybeans, has turned to other markets.
Trump promised his audience that the trade battles will eventually pay off.
The rural vote helped put Trump over the top in the 2016 election, but farmers aren’t doing so well with him in the White House. Net farm income fell an estimated 12 percent last year, down about 40 percent from its peak in 2013."
Friends I have been saying that Trump is the Prince of lies. We all know this. Only the ignorant buy into his lies. I have not. Jesus called Satan the Father of lies because there is no truth in him. Well Trump has always been the Prince of lies.
Trump has been urinating on the average American ever since he took office. Urinating on health care for all Americans, drastically cutting taxes for the rich and super-rich and telling the average Americans how much more money they have in their pockets, demeaning Muslims and Hispanics, promoting White racism, promising great health care when drug prices are going out the roof and the lack of insulin is killing Americans. He shuts down the government three times in one year. He flip-flops on foreign policy and has abandoned our long term allies. He has installed trade wars through tariffs. He is a moron and idiot and called that by his own appointees. He and the Republicans are hell-bent to install corrupt Republican judges who are focused on big business and against the average American. Republican judges support big business and big money. They screw the average American. I have practiced law and it made me sick. The law is a CONFLICT ORIENTED GREED DRIVEN SYSTEM. In the movie the Verdict, the truth was stated about the law: THERE IS NO JUSTICE, JUST THE PERCEPTION OF JUSTICE. And that perception of justice is what keeps the rank and file Americans from revolting. The top 3% of Americans spend unlimited sums of money to manipulate politics by spreading fake news. And that money buys politicians. And politicians appoint judges who support the rich. That is the reality.
We have scores of potential Democratic Candidates for President and they are beating down the doors of wealthy donors ready to sell their votes. That is the reality. I would say more money is going to be spent in the 2020 Presidential race than ever before. Congresswoman AOC had been elected because she knows the truth. There are more average Americans than rich Americans. The rich Americans stay in power by manipulating the average Americans by manipulating their minds and discouraging them from voting. Congresswoman AOC got out the average American voters and won.
Donald Trump is a pariah. He is a charlatan, a trickster, a carny huckster and master manipulator who built an image on video that the average American believed. I have worked hard all my life to understand how things work. I have degrees in political science, accounting and the law and certificates of study in insurance. I have worked with small business owners my entire career. I know Donald Trump. I see exactly who he is. I have been sounding the alarm for over two years now since he was elected. But it has taken two years for his anti-American policies to show their truth. It is all about money and power. It is about worshipping Gold that Jesus condemned yet most Americans ignore.
I quit practicing accounting because I saw it as nothing more than a career of counting other people's money. I refused all my life to sell stocks and bonds and the pressure was great on me when I was in the insurance business from 1972 to 1977. The big money managers, money changers, who control the great assets of the insurance companies manipulate the market. They are all inside traders and have careers that require them to show significant returns on the money they invest. I left the law business because it is a Conflict oriented Greed driven career. I have always applied a morality to the jobs I took. I refused in high school to work in liquor stores because I did not want to be a part of intoxicating people some of who murdered others by driving drunk.
The times they are changing. Donald Trump is president so everyone can see the truth about politics and vicious predators like him. The entire world is about predators from foxes and wolves to the Donald Trumps. The goal of the Republican Party is to make economic slaves out of the average person. To push them into debt so that the interest flows up to the rich money lenders at the top of the economic pyramid. Capitalism is driven by consumerism and one day there will be a revolt and when that happens people with quit buying what they cannot afford and really do not need. Capitalism is the best economic model that exists right now to keep the world at peace. But it is not sustainable. When the world human society disengages from the constant barrage of advertising to buy buy buy then capitalism is going to collapse. I dont know when. But I do know that people do not have a quality of life when they have to pay for things they really can't afford.
Donald Trump is a dark soul. His days are numbered. I have studied Nazi Germany and the Confederate South extensively. Both were evil political models. The Nazi were building the master race and wholesale murdering Jews and others. Eventually, that system collapsed. Evil cannot survive in the long run. The South was an economy based on slavery. Slavery is against the teaching of Jesus but it was Christians who promoted and profited from the inhumanity. The world of Donald Trump is dead. Isolationism is dead. We are a global society now and there will be truth and justice and sanity or there will be wars that will end civilization on this planet. The news today is that China is far advanced in defensive weapons and is now going to focus on offensive weapons to counter the hypersonic weapons of Russia and I am sure America.
The Evangelical and Fundamental Christians are looking for the Second Coming of Jesus and wanting the Apocalypse Now when everyone knows that Jesus is present right now. He never left. These Christians support Zionist Israel which is an apartheid state, one that ethnicly has been cleansing Palestine for 70 years, and it illegally annexes the occupied territories, and it maintains a concentration camp in Gaza and exterminates Palestinians at will under the belief that they are God's Chosen people. The two biggest religions are Jewish Christianity and Islam with almost 2 billion members each. When the Zionists crucified Christ they fell out of God's favor. These Christians demand that unwanted children be born and then refuse welfare and health care for these unwanted children. And they refuse to support birth control which would significantly reduce the problem. And the Catholic church has convinced a billion Christians that women are a sub class of human beings. And the Jews and Muslims do the same to a lesser degree. The message of St Paul was the subordination of women. Friends that is a false teaching. Jesus said that in heaven there is no gender. The reason is simple, souls cannot create souls. Only God creates souls.
It is time for the human race to wake up. It is time to break away from the dark side of Christian Judgment that Jesus condemned and wake up the to the reality that the present world human society is driven by the greed of the wealthy who will never have enough money. The reality of Donald Trump is that things have to change away from what he is selling; the MAGA lie. American has taken a dark path into the future and that needs to be changed. Congresswoman AOC and others are raising this awareness and the old order is resisting. We are headed to a more sane and just world and that is going to require the end of the predatory mindset that presently permeates the world.
Right now Donald Trump is entering a phase where all his lies over the last years, most especially the Birther Lie that put in on the path to the Presidency, are going to come back on him.
Jesus said ,"ask and recieve, seek and find, knock and enter. If you have the faith the size of a mustard seek you can move mountians. And if you believe in me you can do the things I do and greater things than I do." The point is that the Book of Revelation is a lie. It a dark prophecy for humanity and it is being taught as truth by false preachers. Jesus did not write the Book of Revelation. He said no one knows about the end times but God. The Book of Revelation is one of a million futures. Jesus said we create our futures by what we project. "Ask and Receive" So we can allow the preachers and the Zionist to bring on a dark future or we can reject that future and replace it with a more sane and just and sustainable world human society.
The lies of Donald Trump are coming back to haunt him, to end his Presidency. I have been saying this for over two years. Now you are beginning to see the reality of what I have been talking about.
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And Trump flips his script: He tells farmers he's going to make it easier for some immigrants to come in to do field labor. "You need these people," he s...

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