Monday, January 7, 2019



30 years ago, in April 1988, I was about to turn 40. My first marriage had ended the prior year. My life had dramatically changed and I needed a new template for the rest of my life journey. I decided the Global focus of my life would be as an Advocate for Peace and WorldPeace. I changed my name to John WorldPeace as a commitment to that focus. I am focused on the three main entities which control the level of Peace in the world human society. Politics, Religion, and the Law. I have significant education and experience in each of these three areas. My WorldPeace Advocacy is about creating a more sane and just world human society. We are on the threshold of a transcendence of the human race. America is proof that all Races, all Religions, all Nationalities can live in peace.
Donald Trump represents America on the wrong path to the future. Donald Trump was a wakeup call for America and the world. He is the darkness before the coming light of a New America leading a New Global Age where spirituality guides an emerging global democratic, all-inclusive world human society.
Running for President is a very significant aspect of my WorldPeace Advocacy. When the election is over in November 2020, I will be President or I will not. But nothing will change for me. I will push American Democracy forward, I will push WorldPeace forward, I will carve out the doom and gloom and judgmental aspects of Christianity. I will remove the darkness from its light. Jesus said, “Ask and receive, seek and find, knock and enter. If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains. Truly if you believe in me you can do the works I do and greater works will you do.” This means the future of the world human society is what we script it to be. There is no set future except what we script and that is the path we are now engaged upon. I am the self-designated focal point of this New Millennium.
Dr. John WorldPeace JD. 1/1/2019.

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