Thursday, January 3, 2019



Friends were it not for the shutdown, I think we could all have had a better Christmas. The shut down for me kept playing the tape "You never know what a crazy man is going to do." Trump is not only dumb and an embarassment to the United States he is lazy. Extremely lazy. He talks about staying in Washington to work really sounded more like marital problems to me. And I think some of his old friends are not talking so friendly now. Trump needs the guarantee of dog treats from all around him. If no treats are served up, he has better places to be. I really expect 2019 to be nothing but making all the Trump dirty deeds and scams and misdeeds front page news. I repeat. I said he would lose everything if he actually became president. The Democrats are going to make that happen this year. Trump is going to try to block everything the Democrats try to do. The Democrats are going to investigate every deal Trump ever made. Every lie he tells they will make an issue of it. I am really not looking forward to two more years of negativity. I really dont see how the Republicans are even going to win dog-catcher in any state in 2020.
My opinion is that no Democrat expected to run for president in 2020 can beat Trump. I really think that many independents are going to think that Trump is the better alternative than any Democrat.
That fear of Trump's re-election is what is fueling my Independent write-in candidacy for President. Neither Trump or any potential Democrat or Republican has my credentials to be president and lead America internally and motivate the world to come together. The Democratic Party is just going to throw out the same old bought and paid for politicians under the same old system that started going south with Nixon's resignation.
The 2020 election for President is just going to be a giant Ad buying challenge to see which party can best manipulate the average senior American watching TV or the younger Social Media American focused on the Kardashian and Jenner girls showing skin.
I watched TV once in 2018 outside the Washeteria where I can't get away from it. It was so mind numbing I kept looking for a hammer to hit myself in the head. I do watch a short YouTube video or two a day. Virtually all documentaries on politics and science and biographies and others about UFO's and the fact that who whoever built the pyramids and the other massive stone structures were an advanced civilization and that the asteroid that hit Greenland 12,000 ago essentially returned civilization back to the Stone Age. I am amazed at how much truth that Universities refuse to explore.
The next two years are going to be the worst that Americans have ever experienced. I think a huge amount of apathy is going to take over America. I think people are already just tuning out Politics because they know that Trump lives in his own world which the wooden heads at Fox news support. I think this article sort of sums things up with the fact that there are cabinet positions without secretaries. I dont know of any president who allowed that. But who wants to work for a career ending crazy man who loves to demean and attack everyone. If you are not a Pence style sycophant you are not going to do well working with Trump. I also find it interesting that his Air Head greedy little daughter and 666 Jared Kushner seem to be everywhere.
And I absolutely do not understand 50 years of Evangelicals and Fundamentalists warning about the False Prophet whose number is 666 per the Book of Revelation is right there in the President's cabinet and you do not hear a peep out of these billion dollar False Preachers making the connection. They are either afraid of 666 Kushner or they know the whole Book of Revelation doom and gloom is just about selling books. Jesus said no one knows about the end times but God. Not even Jesus. And yet The Book of Revelation, who no one really knows who wrote it, seems to have all the details of the end times. God said through Moses in the Book of Genesis that God would not destroy the earth and mankind again. But whoever wrote the Book of Revelation said that is exactly what Jesus was going to do. Even though Jesus never said he was going to do that.
Jesus did say, "Ask and receive, seek and find, know and enter. If you have the faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains. Truly truly if you believe in me you can do the works I do and greater works can you do."
This means we will experience the future that we project. It means we can have back the Garden of Eden and peace and harmony. But the future projected by the False Preachers is one of doom and gloom of the Book of Revelation. False Preachers who make millions and millions of dollars selling Jesus who had nothing and condemned the pursuit of money. As in Donald Trump. Money is his God. And Jesus who defined Satan as the Father of Lies who had no truth in him. And Americans have installed the worlds biggest liar who has no truth in him as the president of the United States.
It is time for a wake up call. It is time to admit that every minute that Trump is in office the United States takes another step downward and is cheered on by the False Prophets and the do anything for money politicians.
One and only one bright shining light I see is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She needs some experience but she is on the right track. She is an ongoing wake up call and I really believe that she will never sell out. We will see. I thought all the civil activist in the 60's would still be forward charging instead of becoming invisible and apathetic. The Baby Boomers socially and politically have essentially become irrelevant.
If you ask most Baby Boomers about Apathy they respond with "Who Cares?"
Except me, Dr John WorldPeace JD. 190103
I continue to carry the impossible dream - Increasing the Peace in the world human society.
About this website
Trump is entering his third year in the White House with his presidency at its most challenging point.

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