Friends, presently it appears to me that Joe Biden does have
the energy and the understanding that he has to beat the unpleasant and despicable
President Trump like a drum. He understands that Trump is a vicious person and
vicious persons must be treated like vicious dogs. They have to be muzzled and
sent off to the pound to be segregated from society.
Bernie Sanders will coalesce the left end of the Democratic Party
but his socialism banner is going to kill him. He is too far left.
The good thing about this for me is that after the
Democratic Primary when Biden becomes the nominee, I will inherit the Bernie
Sanders liberals in my campaign for President.
For Vice President, Biden has to pick Kamala Harris because
she is Black. Trump will run on White Christian Racism ticket and will have a
White VP, probably Pence.
This will leave the Black vote to Biden if he puts Kamala
Harris on his ticket. You can bet that Trump will hammer the fear to his base
of a Black female president when Joe Biden dies of old age in office.
Elizabeth Warren would be the better person to be Vice President
but she is White.
The way Biden is running his campaign now, none of the rest
of the candidates are anything but a side-show. The warning to the Democratic
candidates is don’t get nasty and attack Biden if you want to beat Trump in
The best strategy is for all the other candidates to get
behind Biden now as the Republicans are rabidly behind Trump.
Imagine how things would change with the entire Democratic
Party backing Biden the way the Republicans are backing Trump. Consider all the
current candidates bringing all their assets and supporters to the Biden party.
That would rip the guts out of the Trump campaign.
That being said, I am not a Democrat. I am the Independent
Maverick Candidate for President. I am not going to vote for Biden but I am
going to help him all I can through the primaries by more viciously attacking Trump
than he can afford to attack Trum.
I have an agenda to be president but I have had a greater
agenda for the last 31 years as a WorldPeace Advocate. The future of the world
is globalism not right wing fascism or isolationism. There are too many problems
like climate change that require a global determination. Only a global federalist society is going to
be able to stop the global killer asteroids that are headed toward earth. Only
a global society can increase the level of peace in the world human society.
If I am a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.
Dr John WorldPeace JD
FUND ME through my website.
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